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sovereign Etymology, origin and meaning of sovereign by etymonline Posse Comitatus is based on the Sheriffs Act of 1887, which allowed sheriffs to form a posse that would assist them in hunting down and arresting criminals. Potter’s posse believed they served under common law , rather than civil law . Sovereign power is said to lie with the people in some countries, and with a ruler in others. Prior to the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act 1835, there were sixty-eight borough corporations in Ireland. As each of the changes and new charters were brought in and with the loss of the parliamentary franchise, sovereigns became less powerful and more ceremonial. Some of the largest sovereign countries by measure of surface area include Russia, Canada and the U.S., according to The roles of a sovereign vary from monarch, ruler or head of state to head of municipal government or head of a chivalric order. As a result, the word sovereignty has more recently also c